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At a glance, I am:

Head of English at a School in London
8 Years Tutoring Experience, with a history of exceptional results
Qualifications from the UK’s leading Russell Group Universities.
A history of very strong results; with students average two grades of progress over a 4 month period.

I am a Head of English at a school in West London with a First Class Degree from a leading Russell Group university. As a Qualified Teacher from UCL I have achieved outstanding GCSE and A-Level results for my students both in the class and privately.

I am also an examiner for GCSE AQA English Literature and Language so have a whole host of tips and tricks I can’t wait to share to give you the confidence you need for your exams..… and I promise, I make English more fun and engaging than that sounds.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught in West London since graduating from university 5 years ago, but I have been tutoring English literature and language for the last 8 years. As a result of outstanding results, a passion for my subject and delivering engaging and exciting lessons I have recently been appointed Head of Faculty.

My experience ranges from high ability where almost every student is predicted a 9, to students with significant EAL and SEN needs - I love teaching, and I love English, so all of these classes are taught with equal passion, expertise and excitement.

Regardless of ability, I will work with you to help you achieve the very best you can with your English literature/language exams and hopefully help reignite your passion for the subject.

Tutoring Approach

I believe in a research informed process in my classroom practice, and will carry this approach over to online tuition.

I also ensure my students have a deep understanding of the texts as well as the skills to apply that knowledge. Tuition will be engaging, well planned, and delivered with passion.

It's never too early to start preparing for upcoming exams - why not start today?

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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UCL2020QTSQualified Teacher Status

Connor's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)2
Rating from 3 references


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