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Private Online Maths and English Tutor

I am an English, mathematics and science tutor with experience tutoring 1-1 and to group classes for 3 years. I have a background in Mathematics and Physics, but I have learnt to teach English as a foreign language and to GCSE and A-Level students through working at an English language school.

I am currently studying Mathematics and Physics at the Open University. I have a achieved a 1:1 in every assignment and exam so far.

Tutoring Experience

3 years experience teaching and tutoring
-English (Language and Literature)
-English as a foreign language (ESL)

Tutoring Approach

For very young students, my approach is to play lots of games and build skills through engaging activities.
For GCSE and A-Level students, classes will have a focus on achieving high grades in the exams, but will also be about learning skills and useful ways of thinking to tackle harder problems.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Thai
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


SEE TEFL2022OtherTEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
The Marlborough C of E School2018SchoolA Level - Mathematics (A*), Physics (A), Chemistry (A)
Rating from 2 references


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