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Online Maths and English Lessons

Hiya! My name's Dania and I'm a first year medical student studying at Barts and the London Queen Mary University.

Tutoring Experience

I have been an online tutor for a year and a half now and have lots of experience in ensuring my students excel in their subjects. I have excellent communication skills and the ability to explain concepts in a simple way in order for my students to learn effectively.

Tutoring Approach

I can provide lessons specifically tailored to my students and will ensure I tackle what topics they struggles with the most. Practice questions are key and I will push my student in answering them by themselves which will help with their confidence and help them achieve top grades. I also provide revision tips and learning strategies they can try!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Greenford Sixth Form2021SchoolBilogy OCR A-level - A
Greenford Sixth Form2021SchoolChemistry OCR A-level - A
Greenford Sixth Form2021SchoolPsychology AQA - A
Greenford High School2019SchoolEnglish Language AQA GCSE - 9
Greenford High School2019SchoolEnglish Literature AQA GCSE - 8
Greenford High School2019SchoolMaths Edexcel GCSE - 8
Greenford High School2019SchoolBiology AQA GCSE - 8
Greenford High School2019SchoolChemistry AQA GCSE - 8
Greenford High School2019SchoolPhysics AQA GCSE - 8
Greenford High School2019SchoolPsychology Edexcel GCSE - 8
Rating from 2 references


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