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Home Tuition for Maths and English in Newton Aycliffe

Hi! I'm Darren Terrans and I'm a fully qualified and highly experienced tutor with a genuine passion for teaching. Offering the best to my students, I enjoy high success rates and take real pride in the achievement of my students. Committed to a ‘student first’ ethos I am highly flexible in tailoring a tutoring package that really does reflect the needs of my students. Learning together can be highly rewarding and a great way to share costs so as well as one-to-one tuition, I also offer discounted rates for family learning and paired tutoring. Whether you are looking to improve your maths and English skills for work, QTS recognition, school or pleasure I look forward to speaking with you about your needs.

My lessons are motivating and interactive and I make extensive use of technology. My face to face lessons cover most of the Durham, Darlington and Bishop Auckland areas and online lessons are usually over Zoom.

Tutoring Experience

I am a fully qualified teacher and hold specialist qualifications in maths and English. I have over 15 years teaching experience covering both Functional Skills (adult education) and KS3 / GCSE (13+). My teaching experience includes both formal and informal teaching as well as tuition in specialised topics such as QTS test preparation. Being highly flexible, I have offered a wide range of teaching services throughout my career including one-to-one, home tutoring, paired learning, family learning and large group learning to students of all ages.

Tutoring Approach

My success in teaching is based on my passion for teaching, belief in people’s potential and my ‘student always first’ flexible approach. I often create my own teaching resources tailored to the needs and interests of individual students and make a lot of use of interactive media. Adapting quickly to support the wide-ranging needs of students, I have developed an extensive range of teaching techniques and am fully confident with all modern approaches to student centred learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Greenwich 2010QTSLevel 5 Professional Certificate in Education
Leeds Metropolitan University2011ProfessionalLevel 5 C&G 9485 Certificate in Teaching Numeracy (Maths Specialism)
Newcastle College2006ProfessionalLevel 4 9485 Certificate in Teaching Literacy (English Specialism)

Darren's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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Casual Learner£30£24
Casual Learner£30£24
Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£30£24
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