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Maths Lessons in Shipley

I have a Maths degree from the University of St Andrews and a postgraduate teaching degree from the University of Leeds. I am married with 2 teenage sons, the elder one is studying Maths at the University of Liverpool and the younger is studying Maths at A Level. I am a patient and dedicated tutor and I look forward to helping people achieve their goals. I offer face-to-face sessions to ensure maximum impact from my tuition.

Tutoring Experience

I have 28 years experience teaching GCSE and A level Maths and Further Maths at my local secondary school and can teach the content in all disciplines of Pure Maths, Mechanics and Statistics in A level Maths and Further Maths. The experience I have gained over the last 3 decades has ensured that I have the skills to help my students to fulfil their potential.

Tutoring Approach

I typically begin our first session by assessing individual requirements, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses and then tailoring my tuition to ensure students can aspire to the highest grades. I provide a comprehensive teaching experience to ensure that students are confident to tackle any questions that may arise in their exams.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of St Andrews1987BachelorsMaths degree
University of Leeds1994ProfessionalPGCE teaching degree
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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