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Online Maths and English Lessons

I am a highly experienced primary teacher who is currently working in school, as well as tutoring pupils who need extra help with English and Maths or are preparing for 11+. I have a full DBS check.

I specialise in teaching Key Stage Two (ages 7 to 11) but teach across the primary age range and also tutor children from lower secondary.

I was employed directly by the Department for Education for a number of years. During this time I developed an interest in languages and gained a formal qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I now offer TEFL to adults and children alike.

I have over twenty years of experience working in a wide variety of schools in a number of roles - as a class teacher, a SEN teacher and a tutor. I am fully up-to-date with the curriculum in primary schools. I have supported children in small groups and have worked in 1:1 situations.

Due to demand, I am offering online tuition only, via Zoom or Skype, during the day and early evening. My current online pupils range from year 4 to year 10. My support with remote learning has proved very popular and I am happy to help your child with the tasks they receive from school.

I greatly enjoy helping children succeed and look forward to hearing from you!

Tutoring Experience

I have taught from year 1 to year 7 in schools as a class teacher. I have also worked as a SEN teacher, working with children in small groups and individually to meet their needs. I have taught English as a Second Language to children from across Europe. I have provided SATs booster classes in school and currently work in school as part of the national catch-up programme.
I tutor children via the Local Authority and privately.

Tutoring Approach

Working 1:1 with children, away from the main classroom setting, is extremely rewarding as I can personalise learning according to each individual's needs. I have an extensive range of resources to draw upon and always aim to build on each child's strengths and increase their confidence to make learning a positive experience.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Kingston University1993BachelorsB.ed (hons) degree with English
School of English, Toronto2011OtherCELTA
Kingston University1993QTSQualified Teacher Status

Dawn's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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