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Peter Desmond

Peter Desmond

Online History and Government and Politics Lessons

PhD candidate in History.
Experienced tutor and humanities professional tutoring across London and South East since 2014, awarded my MA in History at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2018, after completing a BA in History and Politics (2015) at the same institution, I have previously worked at the university part-time as a Peer Assistant learning mentor, within the History department.

I have prior to this, worked as a youth worker in the London area and am currently offering private tuition across London and the South East in History and Sociology.

Tutoring Experience

Currently working towards a PhD in History at Goldsmiths, previously working at both state and independent schools in London and Essex for SEND young people as a teaching assistant, working in small class groups and on a one to one basis, with a young man with autistic traits. Responsible for the delivery of a bespoke curriculum and monitoring of progress and targets. Previous students have gained places at Russell Group Universities.10 years youth and community work as workshop facilitator in London and
learning mentor (History department) Goldsmiths University. SEND teaching assistant for 2 years at Hopewell School, Becontree. Private tutor for 3 years in History and Sociology with various agencies across London.

Tutoring Approach

I use both textual and visual methods, helping students to understand and analyse both key texts and contemporary source materials. I aim to keep sessions student led and introduce students to academic language and practices as early as possible to prepare them for tertiary education. I believe that tuition should be a constant dialogue between tutor and student and most importantly that the humanities are organic subjects that give the student a context for their studies in a rapidly changing world.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Goldsmiths, University of London2018MastersMA History
Goldsmiths, University of London2015BachelorsHistory and Politics
University of Bedfordshire2001OtherHNC Social Studies
Peter Desmond
Rating from 2 references


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