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I studied for my maths GCSE, additional maths AS, maths A-Level, further maths and maths BSc. So my students sometimes think my love for maths is a bit geeky but I love the joy of solving problems logically without having to memorise loads of things!!

Tutoring Experience

I have been doing one to one maths tuition part time for 14 years and full time for the last 7 of those. I teach from year 4 up to A-Level including IB. Every one of my students has been unique in how they learn and what they enjoy and that is part of the joy of it all.

Tutoring Approach

I often get asked by my younger students why maths is compulsory as they are convinced that they will never need it in the future. As I keep telling them maths is what makes the world go round and it is every where. If you can solve problems logically you are set for any job. So I adapt my lessons to each student as everyone thinks differently and people study the subject for varying reasons.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Arabic
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


UCL1995BachelorsBSc (Honours) Mathematics

Dima's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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