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Online Maths and English Tuition

First, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to look for a tutor to suit your child. Education for children is stressful and challenging, and you took this time to help them find the best one testifies to your willingness to help them succeed in a challenging world.

No matter what grades your child receives, they are capable of excellence, and the highest grades.
Anyone can read information or show a textbook and ask questions. Of course, this is an important part of tutoring. However, wouldn’t you agree that tutoring is more than merely a source of information? Shouldn’t tutoring be about support and compassion, and patience and encouragement, to support growth, rather than rote learning and repetition of facts for a seemingly unintelligible course?

You want, and deserve, better than merely someone who repeats facts. Imagine- your child is struggling with motivation. They want to do better but are not sure how. Maybe they can’t even get started. What they need is not just an educator- they need a role model. Someone they can relate to, and someone who can give them the confidence and validation they need to be the best they can be.

Through my years of teaching, the technique that has a 100% success rate is simple- regular positive reinforcement. By simply making your child feel good, and through making them want to continue tutoring, they will want to work harder, to keep the positive reinforcement going. I can provide your child with the feeling of importance they need to develop a self-drive to learning. I can give them the resources they need to succeed, like every other tutor- but I can also give them the willpower and desire to use these resources themselves. I have tutored over 400 sessions, and there has never been any exception to this rule.

I used this idea when I was a GCSE student, and I got 2 9s and 5 8s. I am not especially intelligent or naturally gifted, but my feeling of purpose- studying for a reason, finding motivation in what I do- has led to where I am now, now in my third year studying in Germany, discovering new cultures with my language skills, applying for internships in finance and looking with optimism at the future. The same motivation and future is possible for your children, too.

You deserve the very best. Tutoring is an invaluable service, and your hard-earned money should pay for the best quality. I humbly offer my services.

But please, don’t just take my word for it. I will be happy to refer you to my previous students, who will happily confirm my words. Thank you for taking the time to read my application,

Tutoring Experience

Through my 2 years' experience in teaching with Gostudent, I have developed my organisational and communication skills. I have taught about 30 students in total with Gostudent in French, German, English and Maths. I have developed skills in excel and word, to help me understand what was covered and what the weaknesses were.

In preparation to teach my subjects, I have read and watched all of the films and texts. I have spent time personally analysing all of them.

I have tutored over 400 sessions, with 100% of my students receiving at least an improvement of 2 grades- an achievement I am proud of. A case example is one of my former students, who had failed his GCSEs. Worse, he had given up and suffered from low self-esteem. He was averaging a 2, and did not believe he could do better.

Not once did I criticise him for not being good enough. I supported him throughout, I complimented his achievements and praised him for his successes, which became more and more numerous as we studied. Not only his grades improved, but also his self-esteem and motivation. By the end of the year, he had, solely through my help, achieved a 4. For this young man, this had seemed an impossible achievement.

I have helped my other students just as much through their studies too. Whether excellent achievers looking to secure a top grade, or 4-5 students looking to get a 7, I can offer something for everyone.

Tutoring Approach

I aim to work through the specification with your child.

You might be wondering- why the high price? This is because for each lesson I prepare, I spend a minimum of one hour. I spend a lot of time regularly updating my knowledge of the specifications, which keep changing. I keep my eye out for modal answers and teaching resources to optimise the help I offer. I believe quality takes time and effort. I enjoy tutoring, and I want to provide the highest quality for your child.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, German, Russian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Queen Elizabeth Boys' school2021CollegeFrench A level (A)
QE boys2021CollegeGerman A level (A)
QE boys2021CollegeEnglish A level (B)
QE boys2021SchoolMaths GCSE (8)
Rating from 3 references


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