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Online English and History Tuition

I am a graduate of Cambridge University, living in London and currently working as a tutor. I studied Japanese and Sociology. I tutor any essay-based topics, such as English, History, Sociology, etc.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked as a private tutor for almost three years now and have had many, varied students. I have taught from ages 7-19 and have seen improvement from all of my students.

Tutoring Approach

I like to tailor my approach to each student and am very flexible. Some I have taught improve the most when given strong direction, study plans and homework, whereas others are more suited to bringing me their subject issues week by week. However, I am always clear, empathetic, and encouraging.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Japanese
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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University of Cambridge2017BachelorsJapanese and Sociology
Varndean College2014CollegeInternational Baccalaureate Diploma
Rating from 2 references


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