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Home Tuition for Physics and Chemistry in Blackheath

Qualified teacher - MSci Chemistry + PGCE in Secondary Science with Chemistry. 800+ hours of experience teaching from years 7-13.

Tutoring Experience

As soon as I qualified as a teacher in 2021, I entered the tutoring business. I have been teaching chemistry, biology and physics over the past two years across various platforms, helping 40+ students from years 7-13, over a total of 800+ hours.

Tutoring Approach

Special offer
I am migrating from another tutoring website who have just massively raised their commission fee (Removed - see my profile there for reviews and proof of hours taught). Due to extensive experience, I usually charge £60/h, but for my first three students on FirstTutors this year, I’ll keep the price at £40/h!

To learn by enduring through tiresome lectures, or by mundane repetition, is not only dull but ineffective! I employ a conversational approach: through amusing debates and thought-provoking questions I aim to find and correct misconceptions, nurture a solid understanding, and above all keep lessons interesting and engaging. I encourage students to work out answers by thinking deeply about the theory behind what is being learnt, rather than repeating what they have memorised. I firmly believe in reviewing previously studied content on a regular basis - a crucial practice as it facilitates the storage of information into your long-term memory to allow for quick recall with minimal effort. I aim to provide carefully planned, personalised tuition that makes use of research-approved pedagogical techniques to ensure rapid progress.

In a typical lesson you can expect:
- A starter activity involving short questions, tailored to you, about what you have learnt in past lessons
- Teaching in bite-sized chunks followed by intervals of short questions
- Ample opportunity for exam practice, with strategically selected past paper questions from your exam board

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College London2020MastersChemistry
University of Greenwich2021PGCEPGCE Secondary Science
Richmond upon Thames College2016SchoolA-levels (A*AA Chemistry, Physics, Maths)

Elmo's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Click here for more Biology tutors