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Online English and French Teacher

Hello! I am a fourth-year French and Comparative Literature student at the University of St Andrews, possessing skills in essay writing and exam preparation.
I achieved As and A stars across all of my A Level, Advanced Higher and Higher exams and was awarded the Dean’s List prize for Academic Excellence at the University of St Andrews.

Tutoring Experience

Aside from sitting A Level, Advanced Higher and National 5 exams myself, I am an experienced English, French and Music tutor, having tutored students from the ages of 7 to 18 online and in person.
I worked as an English Language Assistant in a primary school from 2023-2024 for the Académie de Montpellier during my year abroad as part of my French degree.
After achieving ABRSM Distinction at Grade 7 and 8 Singing and Piano, I tutored students from 2019-2021.

Tutoring Approach

I offer a student-led teaching approach - focusing on areas students find tricky and structuring lessons around this via tailored exercises and activities. My lessons nurture and support students in their understanding of material working towards exams or school work.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available Not On File


The Music School of Douglas Academy2021SchoolA Level Music (A*)
The Music School of Douglas Academy2021SchoolAdvanced Higher French (A)
The Music School of Douglas Academy2021SchoolAdvanced Higher English (A)
The Music School of Douglas Academy2021SchoolAdvanced Higher Music (A)
Rating from 1 reference


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