My name's Emma and I have been teaching for ten years. My favourite part of the job has always been the day to day work with the children. I enjoy seeing the progress they make over a period of time and knowing that I have been able to help them learn something new. Personally, I have three nephews and they are always asking me for help with homework, to play times tables games with them or even to race them to complete a SATs paper. My next steps is to start supporting children outside of a classroom.
During my ten years as a primary school teacher, I have worked in two schools in both Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. I have worked with children across all age groups and although most of my experience is in key stage 2, I also have a good knowledge of the key stage 1 curriculum.
I spend time talking with the children and working out which methods work best for them. I tend to approach work with a smile on my face and hope to instill a love of learning from my pupils. I want them to find something they enjoy in all lessons and understand that even ones that they find more difficult can be mastered with a bit of time.
Languages | English (British) |
Availability | Weekends, Weekdays (all times) |
References Available | On File |
Department of Education | 2015 | QTS | Qualified Teacher Status | |
Northampton University | 2013 | Bachelors | English with Creative Writing |