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I am a passionate, motivated teacher who believes in the importance of adding value to the people I come into contact with. Teaching is what I thrive on, particularly when it comes to creating an atmosphere in which to learn. When I am not teaching, I have my hands full in doing other projects of mine which among other thing include book reading and publishing, writing and movies. I live in Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a teacher of English as a foreign language (EFL/TEFL/ESOL) for the last 6 years during which I taught a varied range of levels and abilities from complete beginners to Advanced level students. I specialise in exam preparation classes such as IELTS, FCE and CAE. I also take on Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced students. For those who might be interested in learning English for a specific purpose; let's say, English for business or entrepreneurship, I teach that too.
Currently, I train doctors and nurses at Addenbrookes Hospital on how to use EPIC which is an electronic Patient Record System to better care for their patients.

Tutoring Approach

I am a firm believer in a student-centred learning based on context. That is creating a context in which language can be explored. I also like students to experiment with what they know and as they do that, they pick up the target language easily and quicker.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


College of North East London2010ProfessionalCELTA
University of Ghana2002BachelorsB.A (Honours) English and Theatre Arts
University of Westminster2006MastersMA Communications
Rating from 2 references


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