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Online Physics and Chemistry Tuition

I am an experienced UK science teacher, and an IGCSE & GCSE examiner for multiple leading exam boards.

I specialise in helping international students achieve exceptional results in science.

With a proven track record of success, I offer:

✅ Exam Mastery: Comprehensive strategies to maximise marks, from a marker’s perspective
✅ Targeted Support: Identifying knowledge gaps and providing personalised guidance
✅ Confidence Building: Creating a positive learning environment to reduce exam stress

I’m here to guide every student to their full potential, with exceptional academic support to bring world-class science education to students.

Tutoring Experience

I am a fully qualified teacher and have taught in UK secondary schools. I now tutor full-time, both in schools and online, focusing on international students.

I am an experienced IGCSE & GCSE examiner for multiple exam boards.

Tutoring Approach

Exam technique from a GCSE exam marker: I teach my students comprehensive strategies to maximise their marks.
Knowledge gap identification: I pinpoint knowledge gaps and offer targeted support to help my students grasp key concepts.
Confidence-building approach: I create a positive learning environment and support my students to believe in themselves, helping to reduce exam stress.
Proven success: My students consistently achieve excellent results, with grades they are proud of.​

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Department for Education2021QTSQualified Teacher Status
Northumbria University2022PGCEPGDE
Newcastle University2020BachelorsBiology BSc
Rating from 2 references


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