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Private Maths Tutor in City of London

Mathematician with a PhD in Mathematics (QMUL).
Passionate about making maths a module students enjoy and engage.

Tutoring Experience

1) King's College London - Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (2022 - 2024)
- (Undergrad) Ensured a comprehensive coverage of the curriculum through my role in tutoring and marking 6 different undergraduate modules in both pure and applied mathematics.
2) Queen Mary, University of London - School of Mathematical Sciences (2019 - 2023)
- (Undergrad) Ensured effective knowledge transfer as measured by positive student feedback and improved exam scores, by leading on-site and remote group sessions across 11 distinct undergraduate modules in both pure and applied mathematics.
3) (A - Level Mathematics) Queen Mary, University of London - School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences (2019 - 2023)
- Improved student understanding of complex mathematical concepts by facilitating interactive learning experiences in both on-site and remote settings for the ‘Foundations in Mathematics’ course.
4) National Autonomous University of Mexico - Faculty of Science (2015 - 2018)
- (Undergrad) Contributed to the design and develop of lecture materials, tests, and homework assignments. Delivered instruction, undertook grading, and provided additional support through office hours.

Tutoring Approach

As a fellow from AdvancedHE in mathematics, I bring deep expertise, 7 years refining teaching skills, and a commitment to tailored learning for any level.
I excel in simplifying complex concepts, and have a proven track in adapting to diverse learning needs, and fostering confidence, problem-solving skills, and academic success in mathematics.

References Available On File


Queen Mary University of London2024DoctoratePhD in Mathematics
National Autonomous University of Mexico2015BachelorsBSc in Mathematics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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