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Private Online Maths and English Tutor

I am a medical student dreaming to become a doctor but I have all the relevant and depth of knowledge to teach all the core subjects,I am currently in med school pursuing my dream and I would like to help my younger generation to maximise their knowledge and confidence

Tutoring Experience

I'm a passionate medical student and educator. Before topping my classes in medical school, I mentored many students, helping them reach their academic goals. My journey began with a deep curiosity about the human body and a desire to help others. Throughout my academic journey, I recognized the importance of mentorship and teaching. I took on the role of a tutor and mentor, sharing my knowledge and strategies with fellow students. My dedication to teaching and my own academic success culminated in medical school. As a practicing med student, I continue to inspire and educate others, combining my clinical expertise with my passion for teaching. My journey from student to teacher exemplifies my commitment to lifelong learning and my desire to make a positive impact on the world through education and healthcare.

Tutoring Approach

Getting to know my student is a key priority for me as I will be able to interact with my students in various ways.My main aim is to deliver all of the key information in a understandable with detail.I also have knowledge as what the examiner would want in a exam answer which I would relay to each of my students.I will also provide topic base questions at the end of the session to consolidate the students understanding about the topic,I would also set them homework to do on there own time where by if they have any queries they can contact me anytime where by I will do my best to solve all of there queries.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Dari
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Adeyfield School2019SchoolGCSES
Harrow College2022CollegeLevel 3 BTEC applied Science
Harrow College2019SchoolGCSES
Rating from 2 references


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