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Private Physics and Chemistry Tuition in Hertford

I am a friendly, approachable woman living Hertford and with 15+ years working as a Molecular Virologist/Research Scientist in public health and private a biotechnology company. I have studied Biology (specialising in Microbiology) throughout my academic life, and have continued to love the subject area in which I work.

Tutoring Experience

Throughout my academic and professional career, I have always actively participated in teaching. Whilst at university (both undergraduate and postgraduate), I undertook tutoring of students, and routinely assisted with practical laboratory demonstrations throughout the academic year, which involved both hands-on and theory.

In my most recent position, I routinely teach science to non-scientists, translating complex scientific concepts to those with little technical experience.

I am also actively involved with several not-for-profit national mentoring organistaions, aimed at supporting students at the start of their professional journey.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutoring stems from a belief that learning should be fun. I have studied science for my whole career, and yet lessons my A' Level Biology teacher gave still resonate with me today, as they were fun, imaginative, and gave a new perspective on thinking and applying the theory you learn from a textbook. And this is the style of teaching I try to employ.

Experience has taught me that every individual learns in a unique way - therefore, I tailor my teaching dependent on how the student best learns. Being a scientist means I have to be adaptable in the way I explain and teach scientific and mathematical concepts. By understanding the way the student thinks, I believe that every student has the potential to understand and, importantly, apply the knowledge they acquire.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Jack Hunt School, Peterborough1999SchoolA' Levels in Maths, Biology, Chemistry, English Literature
University College London, London2002Bachelors2.1 (Hons) in Medical Microbiology
University of Liverpool, Liverpool2005MastersMPhil in Medical Microbiology
Royal Society of Public Health2023ProfessionalLevel 3 Mental Health First Aid

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