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Maths and Physics Tuition in Durham

I am a 3rd year physics student at Oxford University. Before university, I achieved 4 A*s at A-Level in maths, further maths, physics and history from a state school in Durham. In school, I was ranked in the top 100 physicists nationally in the Senior Physics Challenge. Outside of academics, I am a passionate sportsman and football referee, which I have found very useful in the development of communication skills that are vital in tutoring.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored maths and physics to GCSE and A-Level students regularly for the last 3 years, with all achieving high grades. I have also tutored 2 admissions cycles at Oxford, again with high success rates.

Tutoring Approach

My lessons are engaging, challenging and interactive. I aim to help students through problems step-by-step to understand their thinking and develop their problem solving ability. My lessons usually take an hour, broken into smaller chunks in order for students to stay interested.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2021MastersPhysics
Rating from 2 references


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