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Maths Tutoring in Exeter

I've always enjoyed maths, but I appreciate that for many people it's a difficult subject that can lead to stress, anxiety or a full phobia of the subject. I'm enthusiastic about helping people overcome this so they too can enjoy the subject.
I love working with people, and thoroughly enjoy every tutorial I have. I believe everyone is unique and I strive to find the skills and strengths of each student.
Alongside tutoring I am training to become a counsellor. My training has strengthened my ability to create a strong relationship with my students so we can acheive the best results, and help identify the sticking points and stressors for each student. Finding the problem is the first step in being able to overcome it.

Tutoring Experience

I have an extensive Maths education including a Masters from the University of St Andrews and 2 years of an Applied Maths PhD at the University of Exeter. During my time at the University of Exeter, I also completed two LTHE (learning and teaching in higher education) qualifications.

I am a professional tutor, with regular students ranging from KS2 through to A level. I have seen many students through GCSE's improving both their grades and their confidence in the subject. I provide support for home-educated students and have experience working with students with autism and special needs.

When I first started tutoring, I quickly realised how much I enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised that my schedule quickly filled up with referrals from parents. I have always enjoyed maths but fully understand that some people find it daunting which can lead to students struggling to keep up and feeling anxious. I experienced exam stress throughout my years in education and can empathise with those in a similar position. I worked hard to find ways to help manage this and am keen to share these with others to help them achieve their best results.

Tutoring Approach

I'm an enthusiastic, supportive tutor. I believe that if you don't understand something, it simply hasn't been explained to you in the right way.

I have a student-centred approach to teaching, and I believe that each student requires a unique approach to help them reach their goals.
I see maths as building blocks, if a concept hasn't quite been understood, you're left with a gap which causes problems later on. By finding and filling in this gap, the rest of the blocks fall into place. When this happens, it is an absolute joy to see how confidence soars and how quickly students are able to pick up new ideas and concepts.

I have worked with students from KS2 up to A level and adult learners. If there's anything maths-based that I can help you with, don't hesitate to get in touch - we can solve it together!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of St Andrews2012MastersMMath
Iron Mill College2019OtherCertificate in Counselling Skills

George's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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