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Online English and French Tuition

Hi, I'm Grace. I am an undergraduate student at the University of Birmingham studying International Relations with French. I did History French and English at A-level and have a first hand understanding of the difficulties children face when studying for exams.

Tutoring Experience

I have some experience doing 1-1 online tutoring in French and also have done volunteer tutoring by teaching English to Syrian refugees.

Tutoring Approach

My approach would vary based on each subject and the child's personal needs however a typical lesson would start with an intro exercise, an explanation of the key concept, follow up excercises and a re-explanation of anything the child didn't understand.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


OCR2023CollegeA Level English
AQA2023CollegeA Level History
Edexcel2023CollegeA Level French
Rating from 2 references


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