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I am a teacher of Business Education, currently teaching in a Scottish high school in Renfrewshire where I am responsible for teaching young people from S1 to S6.

Tutoring Experience

I have over 10 years of secondary school classroom teaching experience. This has involved teaching Business Education courses such as Business Management and Admin & IT at levels including National 3/4/5, Higher and Advanced Higher. My classes have almost always comprised of learners with a wide variety of needs and abilities. As a result of this extensive experience, I have become skilled in guiding learners with differing needs and abilities through their national qualifications to achieve success.

I taught Advanced Higher Business Management at Glasgow Caledonian University's Advanced Higher Hub for 3 academic years, delivering effective lessons to classes both in-person and online on a weekly basis. This allowed me develop my skills related to teaching in an online environment which I am able to use with my tuition clients to provide effective online learning experiences.

As a qualified and regular SQA marker for over 9 years, I have been involved in the marking of exams and coursework at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level. This experience has given me deep insight into the marking process and the standards expected of candidates undertaking SQA assessments, which I am able to share with my tuition clients to help them improve their assessment performance.

I have over 10 years of experience in tutoring young people 1 on 1 for Scottish qualifications including National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Business Management and National 5, and Higher Administration & IT. This has often included supporting young people who have underperformed in assessments to get back on track and go on to achieve their target grade. Almost all of my clients have then gone on to achieve A's and B's for their final qualification award.

I have a wealth of experience in creating course materials such as lesson PowerPoints, question booklets, quizzes and assessments for national qualification courses. I am able to use and share these with my tuition clients to guide them to success.

Tutoring Approach

I aim to tailor lessons to the needs of the learner to help guide them towards their target grade. My wealth of subject knowledge and experience allows me to deliver high quality presentations on course content, and provide detailed feedback on work with little to no notice. This means that I can quickly provide high quality learning experiences that respond to the changing needs of learners.

Online tuition is delivered through Teams. Work can be shared through OneDrive and the Microsoft 365 online apps such as Word Online and PowerPoint Online.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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University of Glasgow2013PGCEPGDE (Secondary) Business Education
Glasgow Caledonian University2012BachelorsHonours Business and Management
Rating from 2 references


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