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I have been a Primary Teacher for 13 years and I have a degree in Primary Education. I have also tutored for the last 10 years, so I understand how to support children in a one-to-one setting. I am an extremely enthusiastic and happy person who is always approachable and smiley! I have a huge passion for learning and love to impart and share my knowledge with others in a fun and exciting way. Outside of teaching, I am very involved with Drama and Theatre and ensure that I use my talents in these areas to provide enjoyable lessons for children.

Tutoring Experience

I currently teach in a private school and I am Head of the Lower Prep but I have had experience of teaching both in the state and independent sector, following the National Curriculum. I have been a class teacher to children in Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 and regularly achieve the mark of 'Outstanding' when my teaching is observed. I am qualified to teach all subjects within the primary curriculum and specialise in English and Maths tuition up to Year 6 and Entrance Exams for both Independent and Grammar schools. The children I teach always reach the highest levels of attainment and I aim to have high expectations for all, so that children can recognise their potential.

Tutoring Approach

I plan my own lessons, which are motivating, engaging and creative wherever possible and I ensure that learning is always set in a context, making links to the wider world and other subjects. I stay on top of new initiatives and ways to support different styles of learning and I am constantly researching new ways to make my lessons enjoyable and educational for those involved.

I ensure that every lesson is planned specifically for each child, so that their individual needs can be met. After each lesson, I use a range of assessment techniques to keep track of the progress that my pupils are making and I use this to inform my future lessons.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Oxford Brookes University2011BachelorsPrimary Education
Bath College2023ProfessionalUnderstanding Autism
Bath College2023ProfessionalMental Health in Children

Hannah's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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