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Maths and Physics Lessons in Chelmsford

Hi my name is Harrison! I'm a 26 year old who has been qualified as a doctor for three years. I tutor: MATHS * BIOLOGY * CHEMISTRY * MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICATION. I studied the three sciences and Maths at A-level taking Maths one year early. I've had lots of success in the past with people of all age and ability and would love to help you achieve your goal next!

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored 5-10 people in GCSE in the subjects mentioned, all of whom achieved their specific goal we discussed at the beginning of our time together. I have also taught A-Level maths as this is my main passion. I performed very well in the UKCAT and BMAT entrance exams for university and have had experience with all types of interviews for medical school (MMI, Panel, One-on-one).

Tutoring Approach

My teaching approach is very personalised. We will have a chat initially to get a good idea of your main goal and how we are going to achieve it. I'm a strong believer of using practice papers and example questions etc to learn so a lot of our time together would be spent doing this and then working through examples.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


A-Level AQA2016CollegeBiology
A-Level OCR2016CollegeChemistry
A-Level Edexcel2016CollegePhysics
A-Level Edexcel2015CollegeMaths
King's College London University2022DoctorateMedicine
Rating from 2 references


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