He is teaching my son English and I am very happy with my son progress, I received every week feedback regarding my son work and learning. Mr Khurram is a very passionate teacher who is doing his job very well with professionalism and dedication.
From Morina
Harry is a very good tutor. Not only is he very professional, he is very passionate and caring. From the first time of connecting with Harry it was obvious how important he felt the need to understand my child’s needs and how he can support her. Harry ensured my child was welcomed and felt comfortable enough to engage and join in with the lesson, knowing the right moments when to encourage her to contribute and therefore increase her learning. Harry made time to mark and return work, with further guidance on how to better answer and prepare for exams. Harry recognises that children have different needs and approaches to learning and was happy to engage and work with me on the best approach to ensure the best results for my child.
From S
I must say Mr. Khurram is the best, brilliant and kind tutor. My son was badly struggling in English(gcse) and after so many searches I come across Mr.Khurram on first tutors and I contacted him. He respond to messages quickly and after initial assessment he accepted my son as a challenge. After a month tutoring my son shows a great improvement in his grades. He goes over and beyond with my son. He is very knowledgeable and his way of tutoring and engaging students during the lessons is amazing. He always send reminders before each lesson and keep parents updated with the child lessons and progress by sending emails through out the week. He is very professional ,my son is feeling far more positive and relaxed about his English now, thanks to his encouragement and his extra support both to struggling students and parents. Im so pleased and feeling lucky that i found him. I would highly recommend him.
From Abdulbaki
very good experienced teacher… very happy to learn from him
From Sahar
I'm very happy with Mr Khurram he is a very good teacher . In a few lessons only my son is more confident about English and looks forward to his lesson every week . I would definitely recommend Khurram .
From Salah
Excellent teacher.
Very good style of teaching and he is able to explain in detail the best techniques and tips for exam preparation. Khurram is also able to explain complex topics and methods in an easy and practical manner. He uses different styles of teaching based on the student profile he is teaching.
My son is now fully engaged and has developed a love for the English subject after just a few lessons with Mr Khurram.
Highly recommended!
From Pezh
I have nothing but admiration for Mr. . His first session was conducted in my presence so I was able to judge at first hand what an outstanding tutor he is. His knowledge and experience are second to none. His conduct and control of the session first class. After only one session he was able to determine what level my son was working at and managed to devise a plan to enable us to reach our target.
I would highly recommend Mr. and just wished that we had found earlier.
Once comment from my son sums up the effect Mr. had on my son, " He had thought me more in one session (two hours) than my English school teacher had taught me in one year " !
From Sanita
From Dinesh
Harry's approach and teaching skills have impressed us,although my daughter has only had a few lessons, the signs are promising.
From Farooq
Harry is very good he encourages the child to acheve to their higest potential and provides resourses so as to help the student achieve their goals. I would therefore recommend him to everyone.
From Ajay
Mr has very quickly identified the areas for improvement in order to obtain her desired grades. He has carefully focussed on these areas and she is taking strides. He explains complex ideas clearly and emphasize and repeats the difficult areas that she struggles. We are hoping she can continue to improve and achieve her goals.
From Daniel
We, Daniel's grandparents, have not met Harry but have spoken several times on the phone; he gives the impression that he expects high standards from his pupils and we approve of this expectation. Daniel reports that he gets on well with Harry and is pleased with the amount he is learning. The tutorials are definately improving his confidence that he can do well in his GCSE exams in November.
From Valarmathy
Mr. Harry is a very experienced teacher. Therefore he knows the weaknesses of my child's level and he knows how it can be improved. He is a great teacher and I have already seen an improvement in my daughter's English.
From Joelle
Iam happy with his teaching and I can see he is passionate about teaching not the money. Thanks to first tutors website.
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