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Maths Teacher in Hatfield

As a Student who has just recently completed my A-level studies in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer science, I have developed a skill for problem-solving and quick analysis of a given scenario. I began my GCSE certification at a later stage than my peers as I had to begin in the Middle of Year 10 while my classmates began the certification in Year 9 but managed to get Above-average results to be able to further my passion for Computer science. I have built a sound knowledge of Programming in Python and Java. I learnt Python from mostly my school's A-level computer science curriculum as well as doing some programming challenges on my own occasionally. Unlike Python, I decided to learn Java as a personal hobby when I wasn't doing schoolwork. I used some of the resources given to me by my tutors for learning Python, for learning Java, such as a sheet of A-level computer science programming challenges alongside doing some leetcode challenges in the programming language and I would also post my solutions in the discussion tab if I thought my solution was efficient. In my spare time, I have undertaken projects such as a simple calculator in Python using Guizero as the module that allowed me to create Graphical User Interfaces. This helped me to learn the basics of generating Graphical user interfaces, and I also used this knowledge and experience to help me with my A-level computer science Advanced Calculator project.

Tutoring Experience

I currently tutor both a year 9 and year 10 student in mathematics. I go through topics the year 9 student isn’t comfortable with and as for the year 10 student, they have begun their GCSE certification so I go through the specification from their exam board and highlight topics they’re not so familiar with after having been taught in school or that I think will benefit them.
Also, when I was still doing my A levels, in my second year I began to assist my school’s mathematics department in running a math club for students who require extra-academic support in their studies. Doing this helped me develop my communication skills.

Tutoring Approach

I go through topics in the specification of the particular student’s exam board or textbook that they don’t understand even after being taught in school. I also in addition to that, teach new topics I feel will help them to be ahead in their classes in school.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School2021SchoolGCSE mathematics - 7
Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School2023CollegeA level Mathematics - A
Rating from 2 references


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