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Private Online English and French Tuition

Tuition on-line only. I have taught French and German in a secondary school and I now teach French, German and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) and English on-line. I specialise in G.C.S.E. and A Level French and German ,as well as English as a Foreign Language. I have been working as a Private Tutor for 15 years and it's a job which I'm passionate about. The vast majority of my students have obtained excellent examination results. I engender a 'VERY POSITIVE' approach and help students to understand what can appear to be complicated concepts by breaking these concepts down into simple, understandable chunks. In my spare time, I like to go running and I very much enjoy travelling both in the U.K. and overseas. Dogs are also a passion of mine.
I tutor using a VOIP system , which is similar to Skype .

Tutoring Experience

I have taught French and German in a comprehensive school but now I concentrate on Private Tuition. I teach French and German to University Level. G.C.S.E. and A Level French and German tuition are the areas I specialise in. I studied for a TEFL qualification at Swansea University in 2004 and have subsequently also taught English as a Foreign Language to a wide variety of foreign nationals. I have also organised frequent academic stays for French visitors in South Wales.In addition, I have also worked in an Export management role.

Tutoring Approach

I have a calm, methodical and very reassuring approach to tutoring and have proved that this achieves the best results. I put my students at their ease realising that sometimes learners have a diffident approach to Modern Foreign Language learning. My students learn best when they know that they can relax. I am very patient. My oldest student was 94 and my youngest 6. I believe that everyone has the potential to learn a Modern Foreign Language and having learnt that language I bring out the best in them to perfect their skills.

Below is some feedback from recent years:

I got an A in my A2 French exam. So happy with my result and I'm going to Manchester University. Thank you so much for all your help, it was definitely a big boost.

Thanks again.

Emily, Pontypool ( Tuition via Skype ).

I would not have managed that A in French without your help.

Thank you so much!

Sasha, Caldicot area. French 'A' Level student

I can only say we are delighted with Howard's French Tuition. My daughter was struggling with AS Level French and was achieving 'D' grades. We contacted Howard and arranged weekly Tuition and her confidence and grades increased. On result's day she was delighted with a grade 'B' (particularly as she was only 3 marks off a grade 'A'!) We have now arranged GCSE Tuition with Howard for her sister

Jacqui, The Forest of Dean. ( Tuition via Skype ).

I have had twice weekly lessons with Howard for about six months now and can honestly say that he has made my learning fun and memorable! He is patient, knowledgeable and trustworthy. He calms me down and can see when I start to panic. French is not an easy language to grasp, but he is encouraging and finds ways for me to remember certain phrases. I can even converse with my neighbour now, which is just wonderful. Even my husband is amazed how far I have come.

I have told my other British friends here in SW France of his excellent tutoring and they are also finding his teaching methods really helpful and beneficial. I don’t know what I would do without his expertise and help!

Teresa C
SW France
(Tuition via Skype)

Thank you for all the help and advice you've given, it has really been invaluable.

Reuben, German 'A' Level student. (Tuition 'in situ' and via Skype).

LanguagesEnglish (British), German, Italian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Swansea University2004OtherCELTA course studies
Reading University1980BachelorsB.A. (Hons.) French
Reading University1976Bachelors German & Italian
Hereford Cathedral School1976School3 'A' Levels

Howard's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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