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Maths and Physics Tuition in Potters Bar

I am recent engineering graduate from the Cambridge University with a deep interest in Maths and Science. I am enthusiastic about teaching and learning anything and everything to do with Maths and Science. I also speak Spanish.

Tutoring Experience

I have over 5 years of experience tutoring and mentoring students from 11+ up to and including A-Levels and university entrance exams and applications. I am a patient, passionate and understanding teacher who has taken all of these same exams very recently myself. I have plenty of experience being on both sides and even more successful students who have gone on to achieve A*s and study STEM degrees at both Oxford and Cambridge.

Tutoring Approach

I focus on teaching fundamental skills to empower students to solve their own problems. I think it is very important that what I teach is long-standing and does not just solve one-off issues. My lessons will always involve plenty of exam-style questions or quizzes to ensure we have achieved our goals. I am based in Potters Bar, but can travel to the North London and Hertfordshire areas.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available Not On File


University of Cambridge2024MastersMechanical Engineering
University of Cambridge2023BachelorsGeneral Engineering
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