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Online Tuition for Maths and Chemistry

Hello! My name is Ishaan and I am a medical student at the University of Cambridge. I have recently completed the third year of my degree, which consisted of intercalating in physiology, development and neuroscience. I am looking forward to starting my three years of clinical school very soon. Outside of academic life, I enjoy rowing for my college boat club and weightlifting.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a private tutor for the past 5 years, teaching maths and science at GCSE and A level. For the last two years I have also worked at Immerse Education Summer school as both a mentor and manager, helping students between the ages of 13-18 prepare for university admissions. Finally, I spent two years teaching Hinduism at Sai School of Harrow to a small class of year three students.

Tutoring Approach

My ideology as a tutor is that I am a key, with the responsibility to unlock the academic potential present within every student. As well as taking the time to ensure that my students can understand challenging concepts, I also prioritise teaching the study skills that helped me set myself apart from my peers. My teaching approach places great emphasis on learning from exam questions and past papers, followed by analysing the marking criteria with a critical eye.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Cambridge University - Emmanuel College2024Bachelors2.i BA Degree (Hons 3yrs) - Natural Sciences (Physiology)
St Dominic's Sixth Form College2021CollegeA* - Biology - A level
St Dominic's Sixth Form College2021CollegeA* - Chemistry - A level
St Dominic's Sixth Form College2021CollegeA* - Maths - A level
St Dominic's Sixth Form College2021CollegeA - Further Maths - AS level

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