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English and French Lessons in Islington

I teach what I love: English, Drama, French and German. I have rich and varied experience from a career in international journalism. I am now an actor and playwright. I love languages and literature, and enjoy helping others to improve their knowledge and enjoyment of these subjects.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked as a private tutor. I have also taught English as a foreign language. I have taught journalism in a variety of places, including in Bosnia and Rwanda. I regularly teach communication skills for international organisations, companies, and NGOs.

Tutoring Approach

Participatory. The student is an active partner in the learning experience.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Oxford University1986BachelorsFrench
Oxford University1986BachelorsGerman
St Mary’s University2021MastersActing
Corfe Hills School1983SchoolEnglish A level
London College of Communication1988MastersJournalism
Rating from 2 references


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