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I have a lot of experience of working with and educating children with autism, learning difficulties and special educational needs.
I have found that by working on a child's confidence, self esteem as well as the subject matter you will see progress. I have high expectations for all my students.
I founded a community organisation called Diamonds In The Rough to support parents of children with Autism and learning difficulties as I have 20+ years personal experience in this field.
I opened a centre for autism/send education. We are an Education other than at school (Eotas), Ofsted registered learning provider. We are also an Alternative Provider. We offer dual registration packages for children in primary and 16+ FE packages. We cater for homeschooled and school non - attenders.
I am passionate about inclusion and I am a LA School Governor. I am the Director of Autism/SEN and Inclusion for a media organisation.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring full time for the last 15 years and have a good knowledge of child development and education. I have mainstream and special education teaching experience and have planned for and taught whole classes of children with mixed abilities.
I currently tutor children and young people on the autistic spectrum, or who have other special educational needs or speech and language difficulties and some have behavioural issues. I teach 1-1 and both small and large groups. I run 2 tuition classes on Saturday's for children aged 3-17 years old.
I am also a LAC tutor, working with students with EBD and SEMH.
I am a part time lecturer of Personal, Development,, Behaviour and Welfare in further education at a local college.
I am now delivering a Coaching and Wellbeing course for children and young people, including goal setting and mentoring.
We deliver ASDAN programs and courses at our Centre, 10am - 3.30pm, weekdays.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to teaching is FIRM, FAIR and FUN! The interventions and strategies I use are individual to each student and based on years of experience tutoring children with SEN on a 1-1 basis who either attend mainstream or specialist schools. I take a holistic approach to tutoring as I’ve found that tutoring a child with SEN is much more than academic achievement. Raising the levels of self-confidence and self-esteem of the individual has proved to be imperative to their progress and learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


UoB2009BachelorsDegree (Hons)

Jacqueline's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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