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I am an experienced professional tutor, working both for myself and for the leading Tuition and Education Consultants, graduating from Imperial College London with a BSc in Biochemistry (2015).
I began tutoring GCSE and A level students when I was studying at Imperial College. Over the last decade, I have successfully tutored over 100 students for their GCSE and A-Level examinations whilst also working across the Biotech industry for various start-ups - which is awesome as I really enjoy teaching and above all it gives me incredible satisfaction to see my students develop their love of science and realise their full potential.
(All of my A Level students to date have obtained the required grades for their first choice of University).

I am approachable, outgoing, friendly and really enthusiastic about Science. I also work part-time in an innovative genomics company where I work to propel medical research forward. Hence I offer more than only subject coaching for exam success, I also offer broader career advice and industry insights across scientific sectors to provide the bigger picture and inspire our next generation of scientists.

As I benefited from excellent teaching, I appreciate how really good tutoring makes all the difference. I am aware that intelligent students can experience challenges in understanding particular topics (I have been there myself). However with top quality tutoring these challenges can be overcome, so the student can obtain the exam results they need and realise their full potential.

Tutoring Experience

I have 10 years' experience of tutoring KS3, GCSE & A-Level students of varying abilities in Biology and Chemistry, guiding them to exam success. I hold a current DBS certificate (available upon request).

Tutoring Approach

My tutoring approach focuses on tailoring my teaching to each of my student's needs. For example, I helped one of my A-Level Chemistry students to tackle complex molar calculations required to obtain a top tier grade. She achieved an A grade in her final examinations (a large improvement from a C grade in her mock exam) going on to study Biology at Edinburgh University. Another example is a Biology A-Level student requiring support to help her structure and answer essay questions interlinking all topics across the Biology A-Level specification in order to score top marks. She achieved an A* grade in her final examinations, satisfying the entry requirements, for her to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge University.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


Imperial College London2015BachelorsBSc Biochemistry
St James Independent School for Girls2011SchoolA Level Biology
St James Independent School for Girls2011SchoolA Level Chemistry
St James Independent School for Girls2011SchoolA Level Geography
Rating from 1 reference


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