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Home Tuition for Physics and Chemistry in Stoke-on-Trent

I graduated from Edge Hill University in July 2012 with First Class Honours BSc Science Secondary Education with Qualified Teacher Status and am currently working as a Teacher of Science at a Catholic School in Stoke on Trent.
I am available to tutor biology, physics and chemistry to students in Stoke on Trent and surrounding areas.
I have lived in this area my whole life and went to school locally at Holden Lane High School and Specialist Sports College and then attended Sixth Form at City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College.
I'm an easy going person and extremely patient which I believe is vital to being an effective tutor.

Tutoring Experience

I am now in my eighth year of teaching and have had experience in a range of different settings, each with a very different catchment of students.
I have taught Biology, Physics and Chemistry to a range of students from top sets sitting triple science to bottom set with students sitting entry level certificates. As I teach a range of students on a daily basis I am extremely fаmiliаr with cоmmоn student misconceptions аnd hоw tо оvercоme them.
I have worked as an examiner for a leading exam board which enables me to understand exactly what they are looking for in terms of structuring answers and the inclusion of key words/phrases. With this thorough knowledge of the exam board it means I am able to tailor tuition to ensure improved exam technique and with it results.
I form good working relationships with students that are mutually respectful and conducive to a great working environment.
I have a proven track record to help students achieve success in their science GCSEs.

Tutoring Approach

I have a relaxed but firm approach to tutoring, I believe in making to most of every minute within a tutoring session to try and get the most from the student.
I try to include different approaches when tutoring, often different from those found in a classroom, as the reason why students usually need tutoring is due to them not understanding a topic the way in which it has been taught to them in school.
I think that it is important to act as a facilitator to learning and encourage the student to engage in active, student lead learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Edge Hill University2012QTSFirst Class Honours BSc Science Secondary Education with QTS
Staffordshire University2009BachelorsPsychology
City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College2007CollegeBiology
City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College2007CollegeChemistry

Jennifer's Feedback

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