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Online English and Religious Studies Lessons

I am hard working and devoted teacher. I believe in my students and try my best to help them rise to their potential. I am kown to possess excellent communication skills which helps me understand the needs of my learners and adapt to their learning styles.

Tutoring Experience

I have a wide range of teaching experience. I have been teaching since 15years and still counting.
I am basically a English Language and Literature teacher and I have taught KS2, KS3 and KS4 students. Also, I have taught at University level.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutor students will be a personalised learning this means I will be tailoring lessons according to students learning styles and needs.

Other than that I believe in being honest and respectful and I would expect the same from my tutees. I will it is absolute vital to keep parents updated about a child's progress.

References Available On File


University of Hertfordshire2023MastersMasters in Educational Leadership
Cambridge2021ProfessionalInternational Certificate of English Language Teaching
University of Karachi - Pakistan2017ProfessionalB.ED Honours
Rating from 2 references


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