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Online Music Lessons

I have a diverse background in musicology, writing, production, performance, and education.
My recent doctoral research at the University of Oxford delved into the heart of London's grime music scene, exploring the musical and social aesthetics that shape the genre.
Throughout my academic journey, I have also had the pleasure of guiding and mentoring undergraduate students as an Undergraduate Tutor, offering them valuable insights into various music topics.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked as an undergraduate tutor at Oxford University since 2021, organising and teaching tutorials across various music topics to students from various colleges including Oriel and St Catherine's. The topics I have taught include: Global Hip Hop, Music and Sounds of Protest Around the World, Musical Thought and Scholarship (MTS), Music and Psychology/Music, Mind, and Behaviour, World Jazz, and Women in Popular Music.
Outside of Oxford I work as a private instrumental teacher, teaching piano, trumpet, guitar, and music theory to students of all ages and abilities.

Tutoring Approach

I always initially discuss the student's aims before beginning sessions, and aim to keep sessions focused, engaging, and fun. I like to keep the student central what we cover and make sure they drive discussion and learning, and avoid 'lecturing' in favour of dynamic exchange and guided exploration.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2024DoctorateMusic
University of Oxford2020MastersMusic
University of Manchester2019BachelorsMusic
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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