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Private Maths and Physics Tutor in Edgware

I am a recent graduate with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bristol. I specialise in Maths, Sciences in Geography, which were the subjects I excelled in at Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School.
Please get in contact with me and I would be happy to discuss further!

Tutoring Experience

I have experience teaching my two younger sisters at the 11+ and GCSE levels in Maths, Sciences and the Humanities.
I am familiar with the 11+ entrance test process, having been accepted into QE Boys and other independent schools.

Tutoring Approach

I look to improve topics which students may be struggling with and help them perfect topics in which they already excel. My approach aims to secure marks in exams to achieve higher grades.
I like to provide my students with useful material to improve outside of my sessions and give feedback on progress made.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School2017SchoolA*s in all 12 GCSEs
Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School2019CollegeA* Maths, A* Geography, A Physics in A Levels
University of Bristol2023MastersMasters in Mechanical Engineering
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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