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French and German Tuition in Clapham

I have a degree in Modern languages from Cambridge, where I focused on German and Russian, and a Master's in history from Yale. At both institutions I worked as a part-time tutor. I am now back in the UK working on my own research projects before I start my PhD in September.

Tutoring Experience

I was an admissions mentor at Cambridge and a teaching fellow at Yale. At Cambridge I gave advice and tutoring to prospective language students from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds. At Yale I led seminars, workshops, gave lectures, and marked student assignments.

Tutoring Approach

In previous tutoring positions I have been happy to personalize my methodology based on the students' own goals. If the student is studying towards a particular exam, I can work to a syllabus or textbook, working with existing exercises. If the student is just looking for general improvement, I can develop my own plan. Typical lesson length 1 hour, though subject to vary as needed.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2021BachelorsBA in German and Russian
Yale University2023MastersMA in History