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Online Maths and Physics Teacher

I am a neuroscientist at the University of Manchester, who graduated from the University of Cambridge (First Class Hons.) in Natural Sciences (Taking all the sciences in the first year, and specialising in Chemistry and Biology in the following years).

In my spare time, I participate in athletics. I have competed for over 10 years now and have also coached all ages during those years.

Tutoring Experience

Private tutoring on and off for over 15 years
10 years of sports coaching at various levels
Demonstrator/Supervisor & Lecturer on the undergraduate courses at the University of Manchester since 2013
Fellow of Higher Education Academy
I have taught a range of ages and abilities from being invited to teach PhD and Postdocs at international summer schools, to outreach programmes helping those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

For those looking for University level tuition and assistance, I specialise in neuroscience, sensory systems and biological timekeepers but am able to assist in many first and second year topics

Tutoring Approach

I believe that passion and mentoring is the best way to excel.

I work to try and help instil an interest in a subject where there is none and help guide students on to the correct path to learning independently.

I believe in taking small progressive steps, building a concept first and then working into the particulars. Sometimes we have to go back before we can go forward.
I believe one to one or small groups (2-4) learning works best with regular short sessions, but can vary the schedule to suit the student's needs.

Please give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel a session. All session cancelled on the day will incur a half price charge and those cancelled within 3 hours of the session will be charged at the full rate

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Manchester2016DoctorateNeuroscience
University of Cambridge2011MastersSystems Biology
University of Cambridge2010BachelorsNatural Sciences
Higher Education Academy2021ProfessionalFellow

Josh's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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