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In person or online Zoom tutoring in Maths (to A Level), English, Science and other subjects to GCSE, enables the student to understand and even enjoy tricky topics. Using my wall whiteboard, besides sharing screens, online text books and annotating texts, enables me to interact with students almost as well online as in my home. I delight in supporting the learning of both teenagers and children who are struggling with the pace of learning in school and applying this in exams. This gives parents peace of mind and enables students to have greater success. I have seen students delighted with success assessments, enjoying Algebra and coming top in a lower set. As an experienced teacher I have seen students of all abilities increase in confidence and start believing they can solve a problem or plan an essay.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught Mathematics in both Primary and Secondary Schools to A-Level, including Further Maths and entrance examinations. My tutoring has enabled students who could not write a sentence begin to write legibly with phonetic spelling. Some have learned to dice and edit, and develop typing skills. Others who were working well below the pass grade in Maths, Science and English have engaged in learning, revised from our cards and planned essays independently, working towards good pass grades. Others who felt unsure about topics in GCSE have become confident learners and increased achievement by 3 grades between practice exams and finals- and confessed to enjoying the subject with some achieving grade 6 or even 9.
My CELTA qualification enables me to teach English to international students.
I have tutored adults and children with Dyslexia in foundational reading, writing and spelling and seen increased self-esteem and classroom achievement.

Tutoring Approach

We revisit the basic concepts, making memory prompts with annotated cards and images to learn quotes. I believe in starting with the student's known areas of weakness but incorporate practice in all relevant topics, focusing on examination problems.
GCSE demands excellent revision skills. Texts in English Literature require focused tuition to enable students to remember the numerous themes, relationships and use of literary devices and then compare with a similar text they have studied.
I enjoy seeing students of all ages become more motivated to develop their skills and reach their potential.
Parents can work in the quiet lounge with fast broadband, or walk the dog nearby.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


British Study Centres Oxford2011ProfessionalCELTA teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages
Basingstoke College of Technology1999ProfessionalDiploma in Dyslexia SpLD
Oxford Polytechnic1980PGCETeaching
Durham University1979BachelorsBSc First Class in Mathematics

Joyce's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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