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I have recently retired from teaching, but am keen to continue working with pupils who need extra tuition. I have a wide range of subject interests at KS2 and KS3, including Science, English, Maths, Geography, History, Computer Studies and Design Technology.
I have worked in schools in the UK, as well as teaching in English to a diverse student body in international schools abroad.
My BSc degree was followed by a PGCE for the middle years, (8-14 years). I have been a class teacher, form tutor, science co-ordinator, specialist science and computer teacher during my career. I am a keen writer, and have had many articles about teaching published in the educational press. I have a wide range of interests: anything science related, electronics, computer coding, natural history, reading and writing short stories and articles.

Tutoring Experience

After gaining a PGCE, I started teaching with the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) in Lambeth. I then moved to international teaching, and have taught in English in international schools in Kuwait, Switzerland, Egypt, and an international school in the UK. My last school was in Geneva, where I taught middle school science using a bi-lingual, co-teaching model together with a French-speaking science specialist. I have also worked at Junior and Senior schools in London, Norfolk and Surrey.
I have taught Science in laboratories, set up dedicated computer studies rooms and designed and implemented my own craft and design courses.
I have attended many workshops and courses to complement and enhance my teaching and share valuable resources with colleagues. I took part in a teacher exchange with Carmel school district in California, a NASA Aerospace workshop in Houston and attended annual ECIS (European Council of International Schools) conferences around Europe.
For extra curricular activities, I went on annual field studies trips away from school.
I was observed by OFSTED during a school inspection, and my science teaching was commended.

Tutoring Approach

I have done private tuition previously, helping the children of family friends, and private tuition after school for my school pupils in Maths.
I am enthusiastic, have an excellent rapport with my pupils. I try to make tasks easier by breaking them down into small chunks. I am a confident and supportive teacher, with a lot of positive feedback from my teaching colleagues and parents. With a strong sense of humour I can make seemingly-daunting tasks more fun.
I use practical, hands-on examples where possible, for example coloured bottle tops, lolly sticks, to demonstrate fractions; making science more accessible by using simple poems, mnemonics, cartoons, stories.
I endeavour to adapt work to best suit a pupil's learning style.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of London (taken at Kingston Polytechnic.))1977BachelorsBSC dual honours Geography and Geology, Biology subsidiary.
University of London, Institute of Education (taken at Roehampton Institute.)1979PGCEMiddle years (8-14), pass with distinction in theory exam.

Julian's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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