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Success rate year on year at A Level, is a 100% with a consistent increase in predicted grades by 2, 3 or 4 grades; with students securing the grade for their university of choice. Tutee performance of 2024 continued to be excellent; with many achieving top grades A* and A grades. At GCSE level, tutees gained results far beyond their predicted grades; or achieved top grades for those who were home schooled. The grades achieved are far beyond what their starting point was.

At GCSE level, tutees gained results far beyond their predicted grades; or achieved top grades for those who were home schooled. The grades achieved are far beyond what their starting point was and all have excelled.

I am a highly experienced, innovative teacher with 26 years experience in teaching Sociology, Psychology and Health and Social Care. After being a Department Head for 10 years, I went back into main classroom teaching after my son was born and to concentrate on developing educational success for all students, by offering alternative forms of support for students when needed.
I have a track record of success with undergraduate support. Tutees increase either their final degree classification, or are able to progress onto the next level of study, if they were referred. I provide support, direction and academic and academic sign posts of where, and how, to improve through extending the breadth and depth of essay writing and dissertation work.

I am a qualified Coach, Counsellor and NLP Practitioner. I therefore can provide support for students with anxiety and exam stress; if required. I use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques (NLP )and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT) to help young people cope with everyday challenges and the challenges of study. I am qualified to do so.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught Sociology and Health and Social Care since 1993 and introduced GNVQ BTEC programmes in Health and Social Care in different sixth form colleges and have led and managed Sociology departments. I have the expertise required to ensure academic success for all tutees; regardless of the exam board or level.
At have 30 experience in delivering Sociology at GCSE Level and A Level, and Health and Social Care, at BTEC Levels 2 and 3.
I scaled back my departmental roles to focus on more holistic training and approaches to education. I now tutor full time as the need is greater than ever for tailor made support.

I have a variety of experience in supporting undergraduates in raising their degree classification. ( See Section above)

I have successful experience in teaching A Level classes in school online.
In addition to my role in education, I have 14 years experience of pastoral work with students; coaching clients and students and 5 years experience of practicing NLP and CBT. The strategies I use can help overcome stress and anxiety, which I incorporate during the sessions.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is flexible; all learners have different needs and learn in different ways. I contact my tutee beforehand, to find out as much as I can about the ways they like to learn, this enables me to plan and prepare sessions so the tutee gets the most out of the time we have together. Homework is set, and thorough assessment and feedback form an integral part of the tutoring.

I am able to help the tutee master those tricky areas that may take more time to get to grips with. These areas are usually on specific topic areas or skills that relate to how to answer exam questions. These skills are vital for exam success. Also a qualified and experienced life coach, My method of delivery ensures that motivation never wavers and exam stress, panic and anxiety is dramatically reduced.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Salford University2005MastersHuman Relations/ Sociology/ Psychology/Philosophy
Edgehill University1998PGCEEducation Management
Greenwich University1993PGCEFurther Education
Bradford and Ilkley College1990Bachelors2:1 B/A Honours in Organisation Studies/Social Science

Kate's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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