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Online Maths and English Tuition

Hi there! My name is Kathy and I have been Removed tutor since 2019. I offer online tuition. I have taught pupils of all ages. When I was at school and university, I received extra help with my work, and I found it highly beneficial. That's why, I want to help others to learn and fully understand what they might not receive in a classroom environment. I understand how doing homework and studying can be stressful for pupils and parents; especially in recent times with the lockdowns and schools’ closures in the UK. I aim to make sure that my private tuition is fun and relaxing as well as being very informative. I am DBS (Enhanced) checked.

Tutoring Experience

Lessons are typically 1 hour long and occur once a week. In some cases, they could be 30 minutes long or 2 hours long; twice a week or once every two weeks. It depends on the individual needs of the pupils. The first lesson is typically a 'trial' lesson at half the price. This is an opportunity to create a rapport between tutor and pupil and to decide whether further lessons are needed or not. Sometimes a trial lesson can be treated as an actual lesson or a discussion on the pupil's aims and how to structure further lessons. It's all about what is best for the pupil.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to teaching focuses on individualised learning. I assess the student's current knowledge and learning style, then tailor lessons to their needs. My goal is to create a positive and engaging learning environment that helps the student achieve their academic goals.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Royal Holloway, University of London2017MastersPlaywriting
Royal Holloway, University of London2016BachelorsDrama and Theatre
Enjoy TEFL2021OtherTeaching English as a Foreign Language
Rating from 2 references


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