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Maths and Psychology Tuition in Manchester

I am a fully qualified teacher from Loughborough University who currently teaches 14-21 year old's in an alternative education provision. I have worked with children and young people for the past 6 years, from ages 2 up to over 18 and have a range of experiences that have developed my pedagogy. I am patient, creative and professional, I always set high expectations and want the best for every young person I work with.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught PE and sport in multiple secondary schools, including GCSE, BTEC Sport and A Level. I currently work in an alternative education site where I teach BTEC Sport, maths, ICT, and employability skills. In my current place of work, I specialise in supporting young people with SEND and helping them to achieve their qualifications. Previously I have worked at professional sports clubs where I have coached, mentored, and tutored children. I have also spent time in the US where I coached soccer to children and have a range of coaching qualifications.

Tutoring Approach

My sessions have a similar structure to my lessons. I always plan a starter activity to recall prior knowledge, and always state learning objectives to ensure that learning is focussed. I aim to create fun activities that can be completed in 3 stages. This is where I model how to complete the answer, we then have a go together, before they complete the task independently. Finally I will end with a game related to the session outcomes and have a plenary to assess learning.

I like to have a friendly and fun approach to learning. I believe that happy, engaged children learn best and this helps to create a love of learning. With my background in mentoring, I believe that I can form positive relationships quickly and can encourage them to achieve their potential.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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Loughborough University2020PGCEPGCE
Manchester Metropolitan University2014BachelorsBSc. Exercise and Sport Science
Rating from 2 references


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