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German and Russian Tutoring in Durham

I grew up in a bilingual environment (Russian and Armenian) and languages have been close to me ever since. That fascination informed my university studies in Moscow – up to a level of candidate of science (equivalent to a PhD) – and my career as a teacher of Russian and English as foreign languages. I began teaching in Moscow in 2004 and continued with it after moving to England in 2015. I am constantly seeking to upgrade my skills and experience and I aim to be flexible in applying a variety of approaches to help my students get the best results. I have experience of working face-to-face and online, teaching individuals and groups of students.

Tutoring Experience

2019-2020 – volunteer assistant, Modern Languages Dept, Durham University.
2017-2019 – supply teacher, Teremok Russian School, Darlington. I taught Russian to children from Anglo-Russian families.
2014-2015 – freelance Russian language tutor, helping expats in Moscow acquire the necessary language for day-to-day life.
2012-2015 full-time EFL teacher, Moscow Language school “Intensiv”. I was working with adults who wanted to learn English for their professional or personal needs.
2009-2012 full time EFL teacher, Moscow Region University, Language Department. I was teaching undergraduates (first and second year students) English as a part of their language education in the curriculum.
2008-2009 part-time EFL teacher, The Russian State University for Humanities. Teaching English to students of law, economics and finance (intermediate and upper-intermediate levels).
2004-2006 part-time EFL teacher, The Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology. I was teaching undergraduates (first and second year students) English as a part of their language education in the curriculum.

Tutoring Approach

Communicative – the main method of building language competence, based on recreating the target language environment
Task-setting – helping students to set goals and find methods of achieving them while learning the language
Problem resolving – verifying the specific communicative problem; choosing appropriate language paths to resolve it
Cross-cultural – using language to explore the culture of the people who speak it

References Available On File


The University of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia)2010DoctorateCandidate of Science. Theory of teaching foreign languages. Theory of the professional education.
Modern University for Humanities (Moscow, Russia).2005OtherLinguist in Theory of Translation and Interpreting, specialist degree
The University of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia)2007PGCEPedagogics and Psychology of Higher School
Rating from 2 references


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