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Online Biology and Spanish Tuition

I am a friendly , motivated , driven and energetic person with over 5 years’ teaching experience in a variety of roles. Focused on providing a first class service and resolving any queries, complications or issues that may arise. I have excellent communication skills with the ability to speak fluently in English, Spanish and Portuguese .I am a VETERINARY SURGEON who really enjoys also tutoring students and helping them build confidence in their ability to achieve, both academically and socially.

Tutoring Experience

I have several years of teaching experience (English as a foreign language) in Spain , Vietnam and Indonesia (schools , kindergarten and adult private students) . I was also volunteering with many conservation projects in Brazil and Peru, in different locations, where my role consisted in conducting educational tours for schools , groups and families . I was responsible for looking after guests , ensuring the health and safety requirements were met and attending to their needs during their visits. So , my duties were : preparing resources , engaging with children and other members of the public during activities , participating in workshops for groups of students and outreach sessions , encouraging learning and enjoyment , regularly delivering content to international audiences.
In London , I was working with children , for one year and a half , as a private Science and Spanish teacher , using my skills and knowledge that I got during my degree and my experience.
As a volunteer , I was offering environmental education at Primary Schools in A Coruna(Spain) for several years.

Tutoring Approach

I would like to continue to develop my teaching skills while creating a challenging and fun learning environment for students.Students are very impressionable, interested in learning, and open to new concepts and that really motivates me.
I am enthusiastic about education and always strive to do the best for my students. I am able to take on responsibility for learning and have experience of successfully managing a group.

LanguagesSpanish, English (British), Portuguese
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Santiago de Compostela University2014BachelorsVeterinary Medicine and Science
Rating from 2 references


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