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Maths and English Lessons in Chesterfield

Hi I'm Lianne, a passionate, caring teacher with a vision for learning through fun and engaging lessons. I am a fully qualified Primary School Teacher and specialise working with children under 7 however, I have plenty of experience working with older children and enjoy boosting children's natural ability when SATs are approaching. I have been a dance and drama teacher volunteer in the past and hope to bring some of this passion into my teaching. I am currently a work from home mum to 3 young boys ( 4, 1 and 1 month! ) and I'm excited to have this opportunity to share my knowledge and teaching style to guide children to reach their potential. Can't wait to see your children in class.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked in classrooms on a supply basis since qualifying in 2015. After having my second child in 2019. I moved all my teaching online where I have build some lovely memories guiding and developing unique leaning styles over the internet.

Tutoring Approach

I love encorporating movement and song into my class where possible. I believe everyone learns on their own way and I try and build on this to use elements of visual, audio and kinesthetic learning in my teaching style. During older childrens classes I like to use mastery models to incorporate tactical skills and real life problems into their learning. This gives ownership of their learning and progression and allows no limits to their potential.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Sheffield Hallam2015QTSPGCE with QTS 3-11 In Primary Education
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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