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Online Maths and English Teacher

Hello, I’m Lisa! I’m a fully qualified Primary school Teacher with 18 years experience both in the classroom and in tutoring.
I live in Hampshire, not far from Winchester and Andover. I have two wonderful daughters who I adore and a large extended family with a lot of siblings! In my spare time I enjoy going for long walks in the countryside as well as swimming and reading (when I find the time!)

Tutoring Experience

I have taught in state and private schools as well as working abroad in Kuwait for three years. I have also tutored many children privately throughout this time. I have taught Years 3-6 extensively and am extremely familiar with SATs and 11+ preparation.

Tutoring Approach

I have an expert eye on where the learning gaps are and how to fill these. I pride myself in making learning fun and accessible to all, especially those with low confidence in certain subject areas. I aim to help students discover their love of learning again and give them the tools to be able to develop and sustain enthusiasm for their learning once more.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


St Mary’s college university2004BachelorsHistory and Theology BA (Hons)
St Mary’s College2006PGCEPrimary
Farnborough Hill 2000CollegeA- level
Farnborough Hill1998SchoolGCSE
Rating from 2 references


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