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Online English and Latin Lessons

I graduated from the University of Oxford in 2021 with a degree in Classics, having previously achieved straight A*s at school where I held two scholarships with a fully funded place. Whilst studying Classics at university, I specialised in Classical Literature, Ancient History, Ancient Philosophy, and Classical Reception. I learned Ancient Greek ab initio at University, so am very familiar with the demands of learning an ancient language, and went on to score a strong first in my Greek exams.
Alongside my academic endeavours, I am an experienced singer and actor. I believe that extra curricular interests are vital for a student to succeed and thrive academically and personally.

Tutoring Experience

I have extensive experience working with students of all ages, ranging from primary level to University applications. I have successfully supported multiple students with their applications for Oxbridge and coached students to achieve top grades in GCSE and A Levels. I have also volunteered with adults and children with a broad variety of physical and mental disabilities as a volunteer with KEEN Oxford so am well prepared to support anyone with learning difficulties.

Tutoring Approach

I have cheery and positive approach to teaching, and believe that all lessons should be enjoyable for students and tutors alike. I encourage my students to think flexibly and openly, beyond the bounds of exam syllabi, and endeavour to instill a questioning and curious attitude towards all subjects of learning. I ensure that students keep regularly on top of key skills, and tailor lessons to the developing needs of each student. I believe in a disciplined approach to studying, where a "little and often" mindset is the most healthy and successful.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


St Anne's College, University of Oxford2021BachelorsClassics
Emanuel School2017SchoolLatin A Level (A*)
Emanuel School2017SchoolEnglish Literature A Level (A*)
Emanuel School2017SchoolHistory A Level (A*)

Lorelei's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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