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I am an Aquatic Ecologist and Environmental A with >19 years of research and teaching experience in universities, foundations, and an international environmental charity. I also worked as Senior Academic Consultant for an e-learning company, and have some consultancy (to write reports and case studies) and business development experience for Responding to Climate Change and Climate Change TV (see CV).#/k#

Tutoring Experience

I taught > 170 university and GCSE and A-level students between 2010 and 2014.

In 2013 I obtained a Postgraduate Teaching Assistant qualification at UCL (accredited by the Higher Education Academy). I create communities and learning and practice with my students and I integrate research into teaching, wherever possible.

My teaching experience is summarised below.

2018: I co-organised a fieldtrip to Everglades National Park for FIU undergraduate and the Dr. Gaiser’s Algae Research laboratory

2010 – 2014: Private Tutor
I taught >20 students in London to support their learning and exam preparation for their university, A-level and GCSE exams. I taught Geography A-level at Campbell Harris College. I taught one-to-one Geography, Statistics, and Mathematics privately in collaboration with London-based tutoring agencies.

2009 – 2014: Teaching assistant at UCL (>150 students)
*BSc / BA level:
1) GEOG3045 Wetlands (tutorials);
2) GEOG3057 Global Environmental Change (tutorials);
3) GEOG2021 Remote Sensing (PC demonstration);
4) GEOG2026 Statistics for Environmental Geographers (PC demonstration);
5) GEOG2008 – Reconstructing Past Environments (laboratory demonstration);
6) GEOG 1004 Human Ecology (tutorials);
7) GEOG 1003 – Data acquisition and interpretation (fieldwork demonstration in
Slapton, Devon);
8) GEOG 1002 Physical Processes (tutorials + PC demonstration).

  • MSc level: 1) GEOGG074 Lakes (demonstration PC cluster-room); 2) GEOGG135 / GEOGG136 Biological / Non Biological Indicators of Environmental Change (laboratory demonstration).

2005: Lecturer – Kids4Energy project (EU-funded)
I designed and delivered interactive lectures with primary school teachers on energy and climate with the Italian Association of Environmental Sciences

Tutoring Approach

I work to increase students' interest in the topic, motivation, and confidence and I engage them with the topics at hand in a way that helps them enjoy the topics. I combine presentations, work on paper to conceptualise answers to exam questions with diagrams, and practical exercises / tests to measure the students' learning outcomes.

My teaching philosophy entails creating learning communities where students develop geography-specific as well as transferrable skills, such as evidence-based critical thinking and argumentative oral and written communication.

LanguagesItalian, English (British), Spanish, French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College London2014DoctorateGeography
University of Milano Bicocca2003MastersEnvironmental Sciences

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