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Online Tuition for Maths and English

I am a primary school teacher with 7 years classroom teaching experience in Scotland. I have experience of teaching children from ages 5 - 12, including children with a range of additional support needs.
Recently, I have tutored primary aged children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills.

Tutoring Experience

For the past 7 years, I have taught in mainstream primary classrooms in Scotland. Most recently, I have gained experience working with many children with additional support needs and I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience. My main focus is on helping children with the basics; their number work and learning to confidently read and spell.

I studied for 4 years at the University of Glasgow and gained my degree in Primary Education there. Throughout my career, I have undertaken a range of training courses and additional study to enhance my teaching.

Tutoring Approach

I have a positive, nurturing approach towards learning and always encourage children to make mistakes and to try their best. My aim is to not only help children with aspects of learning they struggle with, but to also build their confidence in order to reach their potential.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Glasgow2015BachelorsBachelor of Primary Education
University of Glasgow 2015OtherCatholic Teaching Certificate
Rating from 3 references


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